e-Server is an computer software. This has designed for maintenance of all teaching non teaching and students daily activity details.
e-Server having some features like:
- e-Server has different modules like, Staff Details, Student Details, SMS and Reports.
- In Staff Details, Staff can scan for Morning attendance (IN) and Evening attendance (out) time.
- Staff module having strong features, where staff can add daily syllabus covered, can add absent student details and can view reports.
- Student module having strong features, where students can scan for Morning attendance (IN) and Evening attendance (out) time.
- Students can view their results.
- Helps to find out low attendance student details.
- Can send SMS to Student Parents mobile.
- Can generate daily, weekly and monthly attendance reports.
- Can generate staff complete reports.
- Can generate student’s results reports.
- It has features to Update, Modify and delete staff and students details.
- Can backup